Hail Stone Meditations Part II
Well, this is NOT the Bellis Perennis article I have spoke so much about. π
I sit here now, dejected, demoralized and on the verge of tears. No sooner was I wrapping up the previous post, preparing photos, etc. did a huge storm role in. Sitting having my lunch and watching a bit of Little House thinking I would head outside to take more photos but use the monopod, the entire room went dark. A storm was closing in and fast. The rain started lightly, then as the winds kicked up, sheets of moisture fell and then crash, crash, bang, crack. My garden was once again under assault. Let me say this, the hail storm mentioned in the first entry consisted of marble sized stones. The stones that fell just now were slightly smaller than a golf ball. My garden can typically sustain such an assault as long as there aren’t many stones and it ends relatively quickly. Not this time. The stones fell quickly and accumulated everywhere once again giving the illusion of snow.
I revert back to the quote from Old Herbaceous:
The gardener is a frustrated being for whom flowers never bloom at the right moment. Change and decay in all around he sees. It is all very sad, and how gardeners manage to keep going in the face of such adversities is one of those things that no fellow will ever understand.

The poppies before the hail storm.
In my current frame of mind, I don’t feel much like carrying on this season. The sunflowers mentioned in the large resin pot? Stripped. The budding poppies I was so happy to see this morning? Gone. What can I do now I am thinking to myself. At this moment, it is proving difficult to hold true to the philosophy mentioned in the previous post — nature’s will be done and perhaps she will be kind enough to leave us with something beautiful — a reward if you will for all of our hard work. I don’t know this time. I just don’t know. It is moments like this when one wants to give up but these words are formed when the wounds are so raw both in the literal sense with the plants outside and with the man typing these words inside.
I will close this for now but wanted to share this all with you. Thank you for reading. Have you suffered any setbacks with your gardening endeavors? Please share if you have. Together we can help one another with words of encouragement. Blessings to you all.

Brand new impatiens stripped down


Buried Cosmos Seedlings

Viola sprouts


What’s Left of the Dahlias

Size of hail stones that fell

No more sunflowers

The poppies that once were
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Oh Benjy, what a mess! It makes my problems so much smaller – I can’t believe your devastation. We had some great rain yesterday – I should say the rest of the valley had some great rain, Willcox was in a flood and the feed lot was under water. We got β¦. 1 inch! Not to grumble, one inch is still a good rain, but the lake behind the house is dry, and we needed a downpour like that. Ah well – it was a great grass rain and the cows are happy.
On the garden side, I had planted a lovely flowering bush and came to it this morning to see it a bit sideways. I thought the ground was soft after the rain – touched it and it came away in my hand – some little blighter of the night had eaten all the roots! So this is War. I am already waging war with the squirrels in the house (!!) – dogs killed 3 of them right in my kitchen – so the squirrel man is here setting traps – this cannot go onβ¦.. so now it is war on the gophers too!
Hi Eve,
My apologies for the belated reply. Time does tend to get away from us sometimes. I have a new post coming out soon and I am pleased to say that for the most part, the garden rebounded nicely. That is a blessing for when this all happened I was quite upset.
I hope you are winning the gopher and squirrel wars.
Much love!