Through the years I have grown accustomed to and actually prefer to grow plants in containers. Perhaps this habit evolved from my days as a child when I tried to futilely grow plants in the hard clay of my Wyoming home. I actually celebrated the day when I got dandelions to grow but that will be another story for another time.
Each morning I try to make the rounds around the garden perimeter to take a mental note of how things are growing or in some cases not growing. So far most everything seems to be doing well. There have been some challenges but I am blessed that I have had more successes than challenges. One such success appears to be this year’s attempt at growing tomatoes. Like most gardeners, the idea of growing fresh tomatoes is something I consider the pinnacle of the growing season. I remember my ex mother-in-law growing absolutely gorgeous tomatoes in her greenhouse. She would buy a bag of the best potting mix, plant her seeds and off they went like a wildfire. Based on this, I thought tomato growing must be the easiest thing a gardener can do! Experience has definitely brought forth a much different conclusion.
My first attempt at tomato growing was in Arizona. The trick to growing tomatoes in the low desert is to start them very early so they are done fruiting before the temperatures rise above 90 degrees. I had no luck with the larger tomatoes and limited success with cherry tomatoes. I do not think I was able to water them enough. Now that I am in Colorado, I do not have to worry about the heat but the watering is still an issue. If you water too much or too little, you can end up with a wide variety of issues and the most common issue I experience is end blossom rot. From what I have read, this is due to inconsistent watering which for me sounds spot on as I still have yet to strike a balance with the perfect watering regime for my tomatoes. As a result, last year I had no viable tomatoes but I vowed things would be different this year.
During a trip to Holly Acres I set out to purchase some cherry tomato plants but during that trip there was none available. Though tempted by the beautiful images on the tags of the larger tomato varieties, I thought I perhaps not and then I noticed that there was a sale going for container tomatoes. I had never heard of container tomatoes or shall I see tomato varieties specifically intended to be grown in a container. I use my Earth Boxes sure but as mentioned, last year when growing tomatoes in these boxes, I did not have any success. I asked about how reliable these tomatoes were and the entire staff swore by them. I thought I would give them a shot.These plants were purchased early in the season and in they went into my empty Earth Boxes. Well, I am pleased to say that so far, they have been growing beautifully and each plant is full of fruit. Some of the tomatoes have already ripened and they were incredibly juicy and delicious so win/win! I was given some other varieties including a Roma tomato and end blossom rot has occurred again but not in any of the container tomatoes. Any day now I will be able to harvest several at once as they continue to ripen. What a blessing! So far, I am pleased to say I would completely recommend growing these tomatoes to every gardener. You can purchase seeds for next season here.
Beyond the tomatoes, most everything in the garden is at peak performance. I am having issues with my cone flowers and I believe that is due to over watering. I may need to move them or at least add some gravel or something so their feet are not constantly wet.
There is so much love a gardener provides to the world around them. I thank you all so much for reading and until next time, happy gardening and blessings to you all!
The beauty of the garden in July and August:
Sweet Peas
Yarrow beneath my large aspen
Sweet Peas
More Sweet Peas
Petunia Hanging Basket
New Flower Bed
Desert Bluebells
Cay Lily
Day Lily
Closeup of Coneflower
Butterfly Bush
Blanket Flower
Blanket Flower Bud
26 May 2013
06:35 a.m.
The title of this post immortalizes the feeling I had the day I planted four of these seeds. They were unusual looking seeds and I am looking forward to them sprouting.
Here is an excerpt from my written journal I created that day:
I sit now in relative peace and quiet and it is very relaxing. I was up with the sun and I feel blessed to have seen it rise. As I write these words I am reminded of Diane Lane in Under the Tuscan Sun as she writes a postcard for someone else. I am reciting what I write in my head just as she did in the movie.
There is a slight breeze which makes the aspen sing; this combined with the bird chatter creates a peaceful melody.
There should have been more to write in my journal that day but as it turns out, three hours later, I was rushed to the hospital due to a nosebleed that just would not stop. When all was said and done, the suspected cause was stage two hypertension and the severe nosebleed was a symptom to alert me to this. What an alert it was! After that, I could not do any work in the garden for over a week which was very frustrating considering all there is to do.
Mass of seedlings competing for space.
Beyond the sprouts in this pot, there has been a prolific amount of growth everywhere in the garden and each day’s new discoveries are so humbling. There is a beautiful sort of magic that only tending a garden can provide and I am so blessed to have such a tremendous amount of beauty surrounding me.
Viola rescued from grass
Volunteer viola via plant purchase
Aspen stems with dead leaves
Back in February I wrote an article about how I was waiting for some Impatien seeds to sprout within containers inside the house. Well, to date, none have but a few weeks ago I nonchalantly threw a few into the whisky barrel at the front of the house and today I am pleased to announce I have sprouts! As I added all the varieties I purchased from Plant World Seeds, I do not know which will come up but the fact that any are growing at all is very exciting. I will provide updates over the coming weeks.
Before closing, I wanted to journal some plants I purchased from Wilmore Nurseries over last weekend (15-16 June 2013). The main reason for going there was to replace a St. John’s Wort, Mother of Thyme and trumpet flower that did not break dormancy. While there, I purchased some new plants to help fill in some blank spots. Here is what I purchased:
Two Delphinium grandiflorum ‘Blue Butterfly’
Two Penstemon “Scarlet Bugler”
One Lemon Balm
One Mystery Grape Vine
Two ‘SunPatiens’ Compact Deep Rose (Note, I really should have looked at the labels of these plants. I do not like engineered plants really. Despite being for the sun, these were placed in the shade)
One more thing for the journal is to note that the Strike It Rich rose did not make it sadly. I was able to exchange it and I chose this as a replacement:
Olympiad Rose Bloom
Olympiad Hybrid Tea
Description: Each large bright true-red bloom is held on long stout stems and holds their color to the very end. Distinctive grey-green foliage on a very vigorous upright plant.
Color: Bright true-red
Height/Habit: Medium-tall/Upright
Bloom/Size: Medium-large, double
Petal Count: 30 to 35
Fragrance: Light fruity
Parentage: Red Planet x Pharaoh
The world of gardening is probably best summed up as ordinary miracles happening every day. Being a gardener is a sheer joy and to make something out of a little bit of earth is a blessing. I hope you are having an amazing start to the growing season and until next time, Happy Gardening and Blessings to you all!
Grass gone to seed
Cranesbill Geranium
Morning Glory Seedlings
Snapdragon Bloom
Hollyhock Seedling
Mystery seedlings in pot
Artistic photo of Day Lily Leaf
Purslane Growing
Container tomato flowers
Red Yarrow
Artistic photo of white dutch clover bloom
Dear Friends,
It is amazing what can happen in just two and a half weeks! Spring has finally arrived and actually, the temperatures lately have been more summer than spring like. Like all things, this is only temporary though and cooler weather returns this week. With the warmer weather, I am pleased to share that everything seemed to make it through the record cold mentioned in the last post. All the new plants suffered a little bit but overall made it through unscathed. The rock jasmine’s canopy of miniature white flowers died off so I cut them back. Today, I noticed they are coming back in grand fashion. There was some burning on the bellis but through it all, the pink showy flowers are still pink and showy. All the buds formed on the aspens, elderberry, etc., made it through fine as well. There is so much new growth and new surprises every day. It truly is miraculous and so humbling.
In Flanders Fields the poppies blow
Friday, 3 May I planted several Flanders poppy seeds along with some marjoram near the mint julep. I also planted some carrot seeds in the green house.
Saturday, 4 May I planted some purslane. (UPDATE 13 May 2013) I can see the purslane seedlings emerge.
Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate from My Gardening Past
Imperial Giant Larkspur planted behind the juniper shrub. (Note: I am very doubtful this shrub is going to make it. Is the growth (if it is indeed growth) green or grey? It is so hard to tell. It looks so tatty at the moment and though I am a very patient gardener, I am not sure about whether I will keep it.
Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate from Seed Savers planted in large pot near shed
Red Flax (Linum Rubrum) from Native Seed Company (I believe this went in the large pot near shed)
Wave Petunia Mix planted in two small stone planters and also in leaf shaped bird bath. UPDATE 19 May – I converted the bird bath to what it was made for and dumped the dirt with seeds, etc., in retaining wall bed.
Found tag for blackberry planted under the large aspen and now I have its name — It is called Triple Crown Blackberry. This plant has been slow to break dormancy.
Chihuly Rose
(cv. WEKscemala) Chihuly Rose (Floribunda)
In naming a rose to honor America’s famous glass artist, Dale Chihuly, it had to have impeccable style and an ever-changing array of flashy colors. This rose has it all! As the sun hits the opening petals, they blush from subtly-striped apricot yellow to dazzling orange and deep red . . . . producing a remarkable display against the deep dark green leaves and mahogany-red new growth.
Height/Habit: Medium/Bushy
Bloom/Size: Medium-large, double
Petal Count: 25 to 30
Fragrance: Mild tea
Parentage: Scentimental and Amalia
Comments: Larger flowers in cool conditions
I purchased another trumped creeper to mirror the other planted on the right side of the patio. I dug its hole today. Here is the information from the tag:
Campsis x tagliabuana ‘Madame Galen’
All summer flowering
Large, fast growing, clinging vine with stems to 15 to 30 feet
Tuesday, 14 May:
Planted some desert sunflower seeds near the Chihuly rose
Thursday, 16 May
Planted old Marigold seeds among the clover under aspen
With the ground wet from fresh rain, I created the other hole for my second rose. Note, when removing from pot, the root ball collapsed. This rose is definitely struggling a bit and the broken root ball is not going to help things. Here is the information from the tag:
Strike It Rich
(cv. WEKbepmey) Deep golden yellow spun with orange-pink. Grandiflora
You are in the money . . . If you love spicy fragrance, loads of bloom and super-long elegant buds of gold polished with rosy pink. The long-lasting sparkling yellow-orange tones are rich and opulent enough to bring out the gold digger in any gardener. But id does not take a stash of expensive chemicals to keep this good lookin’ girl happy in the landscape. The natural disease resistance and strong vigor do the deed. Very dark green leaves and unusual red stems set off the many showy clusters of blossoms. Hit pay dirt with Strike It Rich!Height/Habit: Medium-tall/upright and bushy
Bloom/Size: Large, double, informal
Petal Count: About 30
Fragrance: Strong sweet spice and fruit
Parentage: ChRiscinn x Mellow Yellow
Comments: ‘Scent-sational’ for a bouquet and ‘beauty-full’ in the landscape.
Hollyhock – Outhouse (Latin: Alcea rosea)
Planted these seeds behind where I buried my little clump of Vinca Major. I purchased these from eBay from Heirlooms R Us Seeds
Eryngium Mixed
I threw some of these into the terra cotta pots where I planted some alyssum. These were planted toward the back while blue fax was planted toward the center. I also threw some seeds near the log. These seeds were purchased from Plant World Seeds
Mint from Russia. Planed in the crevices near the juniper
Upland Watercress
Latin: Nasturtium officinale
Purchased these also from Herilooms R Us. I cannot remember where I put these. I think in the main bed with the clover. It will be interesting to see where it pops up.
Friday, 17 May
This morning I was up bright and early to head downtown to take advantage of the member’s only morning at the gardens. I will create a blog entry dedicated to this but I mention it now to highlight the plants I purchased:
Two Vining Snapdragons
Cranesbill geranium
Salvia ‘Christine Yeo’
I also purchased several seeds which I hope to plant soon
Corsican Violet
Today’s Discoveries:
The carrot sprouts are emerging so I am very happy the weather will be turning cooler. Other items of note: two days ago, I noticed poppy sprouts and four days ago sweet pea sprouts! Also two days ago, I had one lone daffodil bloom emerge.
Saturday, 19 May
Hollyhock Bloom from My Gardening Past
Today’s Discoveries:
Curious if the bee balm located in the half whisky barrel where the chamomile is dominating is coming back to life, I moved some leaves where it should be growing and in that area are leaves coming up which look like they could indeed be bee balm. When there are more, I will rub them in the hope I reveal that distinct aroma.
The marjoram sprouts are emerging.
African Daisies
I rummaged through some boxes and found soil improver along with a lot of old seeds. I spread the optimizer and in a care free fashion, I broadcasted dill, alfalfa, desert bluebells and African daisies in the planted area where the struggling juniper is. This in addition to the copious amount of clover I broadcasted a couple days ago.
I think it is important to include the notes on the dill I planted. The seeds were purchased The Seed Savers Exchange and the name of this variety is Grandma Einck’s Dill. Here is the description on the back:
Grandma Einck’s Dill
Anetyhum gravolensDescription: Iowa heirloom grown near Festina, Iowa since 1920 by the Einck family (Diane Whealy’s grandmother). Large fragrant heads are great for making dill pickles, spicing up summer salads or as a unique addition to flower bouquets. Foliage is abundant and long lasting. Being permanently maintained at Heritage Farm for its beauty, fragrance and warm memories. Self-Seeding annual.
Despite previous intentions, not only am I leaving the ‘petunia pot’ on the ledge of the planted area under the large aspen but I also added more pots. Filled with compost, I planted all my rock cress seeds (Aubrieta Deltoidea) in these pots along with some bulbs I believe are rain lily bulbs.
This reminds me . . . Yesterday I planted several onion bulbs along with some garlic in the planted area beneath the large aspen. I have a fear of rabbits infiltrating my garden and demolishing my clover patches I am currently enjoying very much. This is one tactic I will begin with to hopefully repel them. Note, I must take care of all the gaps under the fences to prevent them from getting in at all.
22 May
Seedlings are emerging from the large pot near the shed. The best part is, I do not know what the seedlings are as it is part of the mix o’ seeds I placed in the middle of the pot. I am anxiously awaiting the Kiss Me Over the Garden Gate Seeds to sprout.
The clover sprouts are emerging in the bed where the struggling juniper is.
Planted some dandelions in the tomato earth boxes and pumpkin seeds in small pots in the greenhouse.
Each day brings something new to behold. Spring has arrived in all its spectacular, miraculous glory. Each moment I am outside communing with my garden I am studying everything looking for new life and I am always filled with joy and amazement at what I see. Until next time, I wish you all the very best and pray your days are blessed.
I leave you now with some images related to all I have written about. 🙂
Fresh aspen leaves after the rain
Close up of chive flower
Clover Patch
Carrot Seedlings
More new aspen leaves after rain
Blueberries in Bloom
Purslane Seedlings
Salvia ‘Christine Yeo’ hybrid
Virginia Creeper Close Up
Planted Area With Pots
Marigolds and Snap Dragon Planted Area
Large Pot With Vine as Showcase
Lantana Pot
Whisky Half Barrel with Chamomile
New Leaf of Virginia Creeper
Lantana Blossom
Sweet Pea Seedling
Tulipa ‘Ad Rem’
Bee Balm Emerging
Yellow Petunia
Yellow Daisy
Apple Blossom
Eupatorium Chocolate
Tomorrow, March 1st, 2013 will be the second week since I planted some Impatiens seeds in the same large pot my indoor Ficus Tree currently calls home. Plant World Seeds is a wonderful mail order seed company I discovered last summer. I get emails from them from time to time and one email featured their Impatiens. I love the Impatiens or Busy Lizzy as they are commonly called. I purchased a few from my local garden center Holly Acres Nursery just before autumn of 2012 arrived. I realized I would not have long to enjoy the plants for as soon as the first frost hit, they would be gone. I decided the half whisky barrel on our front porch which was in full shade all day would be the perfect place for the Impatiens. They would keep the Empress Wu hosta company I thought. On a side note, this hosta did not grow at all since planting it in August. I am not sure if it was due to the higher than normal temperatures but it just sort of sat there. I saw no new growth so when I placed the Impatiens in the planter, I was very happy when they started growing rapidly as if they knew they had to put on a quick show before the freezing temperatures arrived. What a show they put on! They grew quickly and offered beautiful orange-red flowers which more than made up for the poor showing of the hosta. Alas, when the freezing temperatures came, the Impatiens collapsed and all I could do was hope that some of those flowers dropped seeds so that I may see them come to life again in the spring.
As I was saying, Plant World Seeds sent me an email featuring their line of impatiens. I was immediately intrigued when I read their description for a variety of Impatiens called IMPATIENS ‘BLUE DIAMOND’:
Hidden in a remote part of Tibet in the Himalayas lies the world’s deepest canyon, the uninhabited Tsangpo gorge, twice as deep as the Grand Canyon! And discovered there as recently as 2003 in the barely-explored Namcha Barwa Canyon was an extremely rare beauty, the first ever blue impatiens that also happens to be easy to grow! This fantastic, fast-growing plant has sizeable flowers of the most remarkable sapphire blue with a contrasting white throat, amidst attractive serrated leaves the colour of polished jade. Unlike the traditional flat-disk shape of other bedding impatiens, these constantly-produced flowers resemble elegant cranes in flight. This priceless new gem is a perennial species when grown indoors or perhaps in very mild winter areas. (aka Blue Dream)
Now, when you read that, how could you not want to grow this variety? I ordered several packets and I have taken their suggestion of growing this beauty indoors to heart. My Ficus is in a large blue pot with a small ground cover type plant growing beneath it. I thought if these Blue Diamonds could fill out the pot, what a wonderful display it would be! I had been meaning to look up when I could expect the seeds to germinate and according to sites I have read, the approximate germination time is 15-20 days so I may have a week or two before I see sprouts. I have several self-watering plastic pots that once housed some of my Streptocarpus plants so I may see if I can start some more in preparation for transplanting in the spring.
If you read my ‘Welcome Visitors’ article, you know that I am committed to looking after the birds that come to visit. I am so happy that I have a healthy number of birds visiting now for it would mean they will control the insect population during the warmer months. As I expressed the before mentioned article, I was concerned that birds were ignoring the suet log. Well, I am pleased to announce that woodpeckers have discovered it. This in itself is good and bad news. I must have did something wrong when placing the plugs into the logs for when the woodpeckers came to dine they managed to poke the plugs out and onto the ground. Thankfully I got to them before the squirrels did. I placed them on the platforms of the other feeders in hopes the finches, etc. would enjoy the treat. They did of course but to my surprise when looking out the window I spotted a female downy woodpecker!
She stayed there eating clinging to the platform of the feeder with her front feet and joyfully picked away at one of the plugs. I sat in awe watching her and was pleased she stayed for at least five minutes. I have not seen her since but I do see larger woodpeckers visit so it is definitely a blessing that my backyard bird population continues to grow and diversify.
I will be sure to keep you updated on all the progress with the Impatiens and birds that come to visit along with all of the exciting events to come as spring approaches. Until then, Happy Gardening and blessings to you all.
Image Credits:
Image of Impatiens Blue Diamond is used with permission from Plant World Seeds
Image of female downy woodpecker is an image found on Wikimedia Commons
Image of orange-red Impatiens was taken by the author.